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Biochemistry, Molecular and Structural Biology

Isolation, characterization and functional studies of genes and proteins of medical, pharmaceutical and biotechnological interest in general.


Genetics Applied to Animal Production and Breeding

Attainment of genetic parameters; evaluation of selection criteria; characterization of breeds and crossbreeds (cattle and horses); genetic studies of farmed shrimp.


Evolutionary Genetics

Study of biology and evolutionary genetics of different animal groups from several Brazilian ecosystems.


Conservation Genetics

Use of genetic approaches aiming to understand the biodiversity, bio-prospecting and preservation of species, minimizing their risk of extinction.


About the program

Evolutionary Genetics and Molecular Biology

The Post-graduation Program of Evolutionary Genetics and Molecular Biology (PPGGEv) of the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) started its activities in 1991 and offers the Master’s in Evolutionary Genetics and Molecular Biology Course and the Doctor of Science Course. Concentration Areas: Genetics and Evolution and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, both registered with the Federal Board of Education.

The Master’s in Evolutionary Genetics and Molecular Biology Course aims to develop studies that demonstrate the mastery of the vital conceptual and methodological tools in the Concentration Areas of Genetics and Evolution and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology through research and teaching. It is expected that the egressing student be qualified for teaching at higher education institutions and for developing research.
Besides incorporating the goals developed in the Master’s Program, the Doctor of Science Course – Concentration Area of Genetics and Evolution and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology – is characterized by the development of a research work that constitutes a real, original and creative contribution to the Concentration Areas, qualifying the egressing student as a building and multiplying element for new human resources at a Masters and Doctors level.

Lines of research

Genetics and evolution

Biochemistry, Molecular and Structural Biology

Inter-institutional Partnerships

These are partnerships directly established between the BCo/UFSCar, through the SeABD and other libraries and information centers, which do not participate in big commuting partnerships such as the COMUT and SCAD. These are utilized in cases of the main partnerships not having the publication requested by the user.
The links for the search engines pertaining to the collections of these participating libraries can be found below.



Contact us

10 + 5 =

UFSCar – Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde
Programa de Pós Graduação em Genética Evolutiva e
Biologia Molecular
Rodovia Washington Luis, km 235 CEP 13565-905, São Carlos – SP

Atendimento por telefone
De Segunda à Sexta-feira, das 8:00 às 11:30 e das 14:00 às 17:00 horas
Fone: +55 16 3351-8306
Secretaria: ppggev@ufscar.br

Horário de Atendimento na Secretaria
De Segunda à Sexta-feira, das 14:00 às 17:00 horas